Traffic will be maintained with a one lane, two-way
alternating flagging operation and a pilot vehicle. The public should expect
The site serves portions of New York and Pennsylvania. Radio broadcast news award winner in NY & PA. Send news releases to
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Travel Advisory - State Route 417, Town of Wellsville/Andover
The New York State Department of Transportation today
announced that the first course of a two-phase paving project on State Route
417 from Dyke Road to the Wellsville village line, Allegany County, will begin
Thursday, May 30, 2019, weather permitting.
The first phase will occur this year and will start with Cold-In-Place
Recycling of the existing asphalt, anticipated to last approximately one week.
After an adequate curing time has elapsed, the surface will receive a chip seal
treatment later this season, at which time a new travel advisory will be
issued. The second phase, a hot mix
asphalt overlay, is scheduled for the 2020 construction season.