
Friday, May 15, 2020

Sale of flavored e-cigarettes statewide and all tobacco sales at pharmacies end May 18 in New York State


Binghamton, N.Y.  The sale of flavored e-cigarettes ends in New York State on May 18, as does the sale of all tobacco products in pharmacies. These are huge steps forward in helping New Yorkers live free from nicotine addiction.
The new laws were passed as part of the state’s fiscal year 2021 budget. New York becomes the second state in the nation to restrict the sale of tobacco products in pharmacies.
Research shows that the flavors in e-cigarettes attract kids and the nicotine addicts them. Nearly 40% of high school seniors in New York State use e-cigarettes, also referred to as “vaping,” and 27% of all high school youth vape.   This new law ending the sale of flavored e-cigarettes in New York State will protect kids from a lifetime of nicotine addiction.
“This legislation is great news for New Yorkers’ health,” said Beth Smalt, Public Health Educator for the Broome County Health Department. “According to the most recent Prevention Needs Assessment, 35.5% of Broome County 12th graders use e-cigarettes. Tioga County is not far behind with 33.3% of 12th graders using e-cigarettes. Limiting youth access to these products will help decrease youth tobacco use initiation rates and help prevent a lifetime addiction to nicotine.” 
Selling tobacco products in pharmacies has long sent a contradictory message to consumers by offering tobacco alongside medicine or products for illnesses either caused by or made worse by smoking. That ends now in New York State. It also reduces the number of stores that sell tobacco products in every community, an effective way of supporting tobacco users who want to quit and reducing youth exposure to tobacco marketing. There is overwhelming evidence that the more young people see tobacco, the more likely they are to start smoking.
“Consumption of traditional tobacco products by school-aged children has decreased dramatically. However, the production and proliferation, coupled with target marketing of e-cigarette and vapor products to our students, has erased decades worth of education,” said Jason Van Fossen, Superintendent of Maine-Endwell Schools. “The time to make significant changes to how these products are sold is now. I applaud the leadership for addressing these real concerns.”
Support available for New Yorkers who want to quit
For help quitting smoking or vaping, including free nicotine replacement therapy for eligible residents, individuals can contact a health care provider, call the New York State Smokers’ Quitline at 1-866-NY-QUITS or visit Effective medications and counseling are covered by Medicaid and most insurance programs.
Tobacco Free New York State and Reality Check student groups around the state have worked tirelessly to educate local communities about the need to protect children from the billions of dollars of tobacco marketing in places where kids can see it. The statewide “Seen Enough Tobacco” initiative is focused on putting an end to youth smoking and other tobacco use. The average age of a new smoker in New York is 13 years old, and 90% of adult smokers say they first tried smoking by age 18. Tobacco Free New York State, including the Reality Check student youth groups, is part of the NYS Tobacco Control Program.