
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Steuben launches Safe Harbour campaign

BATH -- Billboards, yard signs and other materials are part of a new campaign to increase awareness of human trafficking and exploitation in Steuben County. The "Safe Harbour" campaign comes in recognition of January as National Trafficking Awareness Month, under the county Department of Social Services with oversight by Coordinator Lisa Baker.

"One of the first steps in addressing this problem is to make Steuben County residents aware that trafficking does happen here," Baker said. "We want to educate the community on what to look for and what resources are available." Human trafficking occurs when anyone is forced to perform sex acts or provide labor to earn money, food, a place to stay, or other things of value, including drugs. Local experts warn Steuben’s homeless or mistreated youth are especially vulnerable when it comes to human predators who promise survival and safety, and even "love," in return for sex or labor. Many youth simply believe it’s accepted behavior or a job like any other. Law enforcement agencies also report the exploitation is closely related to substance abuse. "Safe Harbour" follows the Vulnerable Youth Summit, organized by the county Youth Bureau and held in October in Bath. The summit drew more than 100 county- and community-based participants. The campaign continues ground-building efforts begun last year to inform parents, guardians and the community, as well as to enlist the support of schools, churches and community organizations including substance abuse prevention agencies.

"The Department of Social Services appreciates the efforts the Youth Bureau initiated in the first year," DSS Commis-sioner Kathryn Muller said. "Our continued partnership will strengthen the plan going forward to address exploitation of youth in our county."