
Friday, January 18, 2019

Rep. Tom Reed: "Congress is being laughed at"

An Email from Rep. Tom Reed:

Dear Neighbor,
Why aren’t Democrats and Republicans talking to each other about how to reopen the government when many federal employees are working without pay and people are dying at the border???
Congress is acting like a CHILDISH institution.
But there is still hope.

On Wednesday, Democrat and Republican members of the Problem Solvers Caucus sat down with the President at the White House for a candid discussion about how we can reconcile our differences and work together to reopen the government and secure our border for the American people.

Both sides left the meeting with a better understanding of each other’s points of view, and we look forward to continuing this conversation.
I hope other Members of Congress will take a page out of the Problem Solvers Caucus playbook and sit down and negotiate instead of taking vacations or engaging in elementary political stunts to make the other side look bad.
The American people are suffering.