
Thursday, January 3, 2019

Reed to Make Historic Vote for Democrat Rules Package

Washington – Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY) announced he will vote for the Democrat rule package, which sets the table for how the House of Representatives will be governed in the 116th Congress, following the inclusion of reforms introduced by the Problem Solvers Caucus to make it easier for bipartisan bills to pass.
“This vote isn’t about partisan politics. It is about doing what is right for the American people,” Tom said. “The reforms the Problem Solvers Caucus were able to get included in this rules package go a long way to empower the people we represent, enable rank-and-file Members to govern and make it easier for bipartisan bills to pass.
“We are proud to walk the talk of reaching across the aisle to best serve the people who sent us here,” Tom said.
Tom’s vote marks the first time since 2001 where a Member of Congress has voted for the House rule package of the opposite political party.