
Saturday, January 19, 2019

Reader reacts to Rep. Tom Reed email

The Congress is being laughed at?  Yes, indeed it is...   Senate Majority Leader McConnell refuses to even let Senators re-vote on bills that were already approved overwhelmingly by the Senate before Herr Trump decided "no" because Trump is concerned more about the views of Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and Sean Hannity than he is about being President of all the country.    Well, I'm not laughing... it's damn sad.  And Congressman Reed, in typical fashion that says “the Republican Party’s fortunes come ahead of the country's" , doesn't mention in his email our orange-haired leader’s role  in starting all this.  Instead I feel Reed is being very subtle and really blaming the Democrats in his email.  Yes, the right wing propaganda machine has in large part taken over the country, fully supported by Trump-TV (Fox) and Limbaugh, while conspiracy if not treason is more and more likely to be confirmed about Trump with each passing day.   I guess by the time that there is no question our President is a Russian hack, we'll have been conditioned to just yawn and say "ho-hum".
But hang in there Tom Reed... have no worries or fears about how you'll be viewed by the time we get around to the next election. You'll have created enough smoke to cover your ass, and besides, a dog could get elected to office in your District as long as he was on the Republican line.  (No, I'm NOT a registered Democrat... I was once a registered Republican though.)  Just keep telling us, Tom, about how much you are becoming (NOT) such a great compromiser.  Oh yes, and Tom,  thanks for your avid support of that tax "reform" legislation that primarily rewards the Republican oligarchs and the corporations who fund the Party and its election apparatus... you know the legislation that the Congressional budget office says that it alone will put us well over a trillion dollars more in debt in the next few years...  And you Tom... you were such a budget hawk about wracking up debt in the Obama era, especially if it was an Obama proposal unrelated to the military spending. You were oh so concerned about the nation piling up more debt.   More hypocrisy, Tom??????  I know, when the time comes to get serious about debt again, you’ll have no qualms about cutting back on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, etc, etc. --- just as long as the oligarchs and multi-national corporations don’t have to suffer.
James Pomeroy
Caneadea, NY  14717