
Wednesday, January 9, 2019


The New York State Professional Fire Fighters Association (NYSPFFA) announced legislation has been signed by Governor Cuomo requiring specific training and experience for fire chiefs at departments made up of both career and volunteer members that have five or more career firefighters on staff. This measure will help ensure communities across the state, and the fire fighters working to protect them, remain safe.
The legislation (Laws of 2018-Chapter 406) relating to the qualifications of fire chiefs, reinforces necessary training and experience of all fire fighters, and clarifies procedures relating to the command and control of emergency scenes.
Sam Fresina, president of NYSPFFA – a statewide organization representing 18,000 career fire fighters in more than 100 cities and towns, thanked the Governor for taking action to support the well-being of fire fighters across New York.
“Field experience is critical to the safety and success of all of our brothers and sisters, and by signing this legislation, the Governor has reinforced that fact,” said NYSPFFA President Sam Fresina. “We are grateful to our elected leaders for ensuring that fire chiefs, both career and volunteer, possess the necessary training, education and certification required to keep crews under their direction – and the greater New York community, safe.”
The measure (A.8057B/S.6242B), was sponsored by Assemblyman Peter Abbate and Senator Fred Akshar, and will go into effect on January 20, 2019.
Assemblyman Peter J. Abbate, Jr. said, “This law sets forth much needed training standards for Fire Chiefs across our state. From this day forward, it is reassuring to know those in command of our first responders, will have the proper, standardized training in their employment.”
“We rely on our first responders during our most vulnerable times,” said Senator Fred Akshar. “We turn to them during fires, floods, car accidents and medical emergencies and we breathe a sigh of relief when we see them arrive on the scene. I'm proud to be able to sponsor legislation to ensure that we have the experienced, well-trained and qualified fire chiefs at the helm of our professional and volunteer fire departments, leading the dedicated men and women who keep our communities safe."
The New York Professional Fire Fighters Association (NYSPFFA) represents women and men working full-time as members of municipal fire departments across the state. NYSPFFA advocates on behalf of members who serve in 107 local unions, 41 counties and in the boroughs of New York City.