
Friday, October 2, 2020


Today, citing Tom’s efforts to create jobs and grow New York’s clean energy economy, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) formally announced its endorsement of Tom’s reelection. According to the release, in order to receive CRES’s endorsement, candidates must acknowledge a role for the federal government in reducing America’s carbon emissions and developing a robust clean energy industry, as well as demonstrate leadership on policy initiatives related to climate change and emissions reduction.

Congressman Tom Reed has played a key role in advancing the clean energy technologies that have created over 159,000 jobs in New York, and CRES is proud to formally endorse Tom Reed in his reelection bid for the U.S. House in New York’s 23rd District,” said CRES Executive Director Heather Reams.

We appreciate this endorsement from Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions and their support of our efforts to advance smart clean energy policies. Effectively tackling climate change will require bipartisan solutions like our Energy Sector Innovation Tax Credit, which provides American entrepreneurs with the financial support they need to develop the technologies that will solve this crisis,” said Congressman Tom Reed. 

We look forward to continuing our work as a bipartisan leader on this issue because we care about protecting our environment, boosting access to affordable power, and creating exciting new economic opportunities in New York’s 23rd district,” continued Tom.

Tom’s record on clean energy includes the following:

● Introduced the Energy Sector Innovation Credit, tax legislation that is tech-neutral, providing incentives to promote innovative energy technologies, including energy storage technology

● Introduced the POWER Act, that would create jobs, reduce energy consumption, protect the environment

● Co-sponsored the Clean Industrial Technology Act of 2019, a bipartisan bill to incentivize

innovation to reduce emissions in the industrial sector.

● Co-sponsored the Smart Manufacturing Leadership Act, a bipartisan bill to improve productivity and energy efficiency of the manufacturing sector and implement smart manufacturing programs.

● Co-sponsored the Roofing Efficiency Jobs Act, a bipartisan bill to promote job creation and save businesses and consumers millions of dollars each year on energy bills.

● Co-sponsored the U.S. House resolution formally recognizing National Clean Energy Week 2020.

● Serves as a member of the U.S. House Climate Solutions Caucus.