
Saturday, September 5, 2020

Wellsville School Superintendent- "we're not going for attendance stars this year"

Many school districts in Allegany County will welcome students back September 8th, but in Wellsville, the return has been delayed until September 14th as workers prepare the 'new environment.' David Foster is the Wellsville School Superintendent and says few teachers have opted for a leave. During an interview, he said "we do have some good news in that in Wellsville, our (COVID-19) levels have been fairly low here." He added "with the cooperation of parents, keeping a student home when they don't feel well is key. So, this is a unique year where...we're not going for attendance stars...perfect attendance awards, if the student is less than 100%...we're encouraging them to stay home for the day until the parent is satisfied that those symptoms have subsided and it's not an issue. We ask that they (students, teacher as well) stay home until they are 100%."