
Friday, September 4, 2020

PennDOT - District 2 News: Route 246 Bridge is Open to Traffic - another L.C. Whitford success

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) has completed a bridge replacement on Route 246 in McKean County. The bridge spans Baker Run near the village of Rixford in Otto Township. The old bridge was replaced with a precast box culvert.
The structure carries an average of almost 1,200 vehicles each day.
The bridge has been closed since August 3 and a detour using Route 246, Route 346, and Route 646 had been in place. With the new bridge open to traffic, the detour has been lifted.
This project was a cooperative effort between PennDOT McKean County Maintenance and L.C. Whitford Co., Inc. of Wellsville, New York. The contractor set the box culvert and performed paving. McKean County Maintenance performed excavation, site prep, demolition of the old bridge, backfill, and rock placement.
Work on this project was done in accordance with Centers for Disease Control and state Department of Health guidance as well as a project-specific COVID-19 safety plan. The plan included protocols for social distancing, use of face coverings, personal and job site cleaning protocols, management of entries to the job site and relevant training.