Joe Brennan, Michael Printup's opponent for Chemung County Legislature in the 4th District, filed a challenge to the Republican Party designating petition submitted by Michael Printup, claiming he signed a witness statement when he did not witness those people sign the petition.
"There was one form and it had 15 signatures on that my wife collected that I signed in error, out of haste of submitting in the application," Printup exclusively told 18 News. "It is Joe's way of playing dirty politics and I will seek legal counsel to challenge him on his activites when he sued Chemung County for a million dollars."
Joe Brennan, asked Chemung County District Attorney Weeden Wetmore to investigate these claims, according to the Chemung County DA office. Wetmore chose to recuse himself as he too is an elected official and goes before the County Legislature. He contacted the Schuyler County District Attorney. He too recused himself as he has dealings with Printup at WGI. Wetmore contacted the Steuben County District Attorney Office, who has taken the case and is conducting an investigation.
Steuben County DA investigating alleged election fraud