
Thursday, January 9, 2025

Allegany County Public Safety Committee minutes - Jan. 2, 2025


January 2, 2025

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:31 p.m. by Public Safety Committee Chairman

Steven A. Havey.

Roll Call: S. Havey, P. Stockin, G. Barnes, K. Demick, B. Harris, D. Healy, J. Ricketts-Swales Other Attendees: R. Beckman, B. Broach, J. Burdick, A. Carrow, P. Curran, P. Degnan, D. Fanton, G. Hanchett, I. Jones, C. Knapp, E. Marble, J. Ricci, B. Riehle, D. Root, T. Ross, JR. Carter.

Approval of Minutes

The Public Safety Committee meeting minutes of December 4, 2024, were approved on a motion by Legislator Barnes, seconded by Legislator Demick, and carried.


District Attorney Ian Jones attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review.

Committee Chairman Havey stated that the District Attorney business continues to be needed. Mr. Jones responded that the felony numbers are up, and it keeps them busy. Legislator Healy asked how many are repeat offenders; Mr. Jones said he did not know the exact figures but there are many. He can access the data through their case management and get back with the numbers.


Public Defender J. R. Santana Carter attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Speaking with Conflict Defender Peter Degnan, Mr. Carter stated that they will have requests to fill for grant funded positions coming soon. Legislator Janice L. Burdick asked if there will be space and equipment for the new positions. Mr. Carter stated that the grant will fund equipment needs and there will be enough space in the new Conflict Defender office building.


Conflict Defender Peter Degnan attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. He responded to Legislator Healy’s question regarding repeat offenders, saying that he has told clients that he had known them longer than he’s known his own children. In his opinion, the vast majority are repeat offenders. Also, generationally, seeing father and son.


Fire Coordinator Bill Day was unable to attend the meeting but had previously submitted his monthly report to the committee for review.


Acting Director of Emergency Management Services Bonnie VanHousen was unable to attend the meeting but had previously submitted her monthly report to the committee for review.


Probation Director Scott Grantier attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Committee Chairman Havey stated that it appears that the Director’s job is still in demand, Mr. Grantier responded that his tremendous staff is behind the numbers.

Acceptance of DCJS Aid to Ignition Interlock Monitoring Program

Probation Director Scott Grantier requested a resolution to accept a grant award from DCJS as follows for an allocation from the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee to be used toward our Ignition Interlock monitoring program. The total amount of DCJS funding of $2,443 is included in the 2025 Budget as follows:

Appropriations ($2,443)

A 3140.101 Probation Personnel $2,443

Revenues ($2,443)

A 3140.3310.07 Ignition Interlock $2,443

The request was approved on a motion by Legislator Stockin, seconded by Legislator Healy, and carried. Prepare Resolution


Sheriff Scott Cicirello attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Mr. Havey asked about the two panic alarm responses. Sheriff Cicirello and Deputy Rand Beckman stated that one was in DSS, and the other was DMV. Mr. Healy asked if there was anything he’d like to highlight or recap. Sheriff Cicirello stated that the three common things are staffing, recruitment and retention, and grant assistance for upgrading equipment. Mr. Healy asked for a radio projects update. Sheriff Cicirello stated that he can have Matthew Evans and Dustin Zajicek attend the next Public Safety Committee meeting with information. Legislator Barnes asked with the administration in Washington, DC, has New York State stated that they would not work with the new administration regarding illegal immigrants? Sheriff Cicirello said he has not heard any directives from the governor regarding that. The Sheriff’s Office has been in contact with the Marshal’s Office and has been asked if we would be able to house some people who were pending extradition hearings so he’s expecting business to increase in the coming year. Mr. Barnes asked that if the federal government comes here looking for illegal immigrants is there any reason why we can’t cooperate? Sheriff Cicirello responded that they would follow federal law.


Appointments to Traffic Safety Board

Clerk of the Board Brenda Rigby Riehle notified the Public Safety Committee that the following people were reappointed to serve on the Traffic Safety Board from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2027.

Guy R. James

Brian Perkins

William Weaver

Mrs. Riehle also notified the committee that the Allegany County Traffic Safety Board also wishes to appoint the following to serve from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2027.

Jon Valentine

The request was approved on a motion by Legislator Healy, seconded by Legislator Demick, and carried. Prepare Resolution

Legislator Demick asked if anyone from the Probation Department serves on this board. Mr. Grantier stated that not currently, but he has been in contact with the Traffic Safety Board and hopes to be voted onto the Board at their next meeting. Mr. Demick stated that he believes that DWI is a large part of the Traffic Safety Board.


The meeting was adjourned at 1:48 p.m. following a motion by Legislator Barnes, seconded by Legislator Demick, and carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Beverly R. Broach, Confidential Secretary

Allegany County Board of Legislators