
Sunday, October 6, 2024

Op Ed from Lee Marcus, former columnist for the Hornell Evening Tribune

Things to think about before voting in 2024:

Am I giving up on America as we know it? Done with rule of law? Done with choosing my own leaders? Done with the back and forth of competing visions? Ready for a king?

Do I believe that the ultra-rich should keep all their money while middle class taxpayers pay the bills? 

Do I want to watch while a “strong” man arrests and punishes his political enemies in my name? 

Am I ready to see immigrants, even legal ones, treated with cruelty and violence, such that the Statue of Liberty becomes, for all the world, a symbol of America’s hypocrisy?

Do I believe the government should decide how women will live their lives; that women don’t own their own bodies and can’t be trusted to make their own health care decisions?

Am I prepared to turn my back on the teachings of Jesus and all other major religious figures in favor of a leader who believes that grievance, retribution, and hate (not understanding, sharing, and love) are our guiding principles? 

Do I now believe that for every question there is one right answer, that of our dear leader? That debate and compromise are unnecessary?

If your answer to one or more of these questions is yes, then you know what to do. 

If not, put your news source on hold and start researching these questions with an open mind. Read Project 2025, which puts one candidate’s intentions in clear language; and yes, he really did order the document, though he denies it now. It is his plan for you and the country.

If you are ready to fight for democracy, go to your local Democratic headquarters and ask how you can help. Believe me, you can; and if you care about America, home of the free and the brave, you must.

Lee Marcus is a former columnist for the Hornell Evening Tribune.