
Thursday, September 10, 2020

Allegany County Public Works Committee meeting minutes - 9/2/2020

Public Works Committee
September 2, 2020
Members Present: D. Fanton, J. Ricci, G. Barnes, P. Curran, W. Dibble, K. Graves, D. Healy, C. Crandall
Others Present: J. Burdick, K. Francisco, B. Harris, S. Havey, K. Hooker, J. Hopkins, C. Knapp, B. Riehle, D. Root, T. Ross, D. Scholes, P. Stockin, M. Washer
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Public Works Committee Chairman Dwight Fanton at 1:03 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Legislator Graves, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried to approve the minutes of August 5, 2020.
Permission to Bid Hauling of Sand and Salt for 2020 – 2021
Public Works Deputy Superintendent Dean Scholes requested permission to bid the hauling of sand and salt for the 2020 – 2021 season. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Healy, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried.
Approval of Town/County Bridge Cost Share for North Main Street, Town of Andover
Mr. Scholes requested a resolution approving the following bridge for funding under the County/Town Bridge Cost Share Program:
North Main Street, Town of Andover, B.I.N. 2215290, Local Bridge #06-01
Estimated Cost $2,419,000.00
Federal/State Share: $1,935,000.00
County Share: (17%) $ 411,400.00
Town Share: (3%) $ 72,600.00
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Graves, seconded by Legislator Ricci, and carried. Prepare Resolution

Request to Transfer Funds
Mr. Scholes requested permission to transfer funds in the amount of $7,000 from A8160.204 (Motor Vehicles) to A8160.202 (Maintenance/Tools). Mr. Scholes stated they have a pressure washer that is beyond repair, and they would like to purchase a new one. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Dibble, seconded by Legislator Ricci, and carried. Notify County Treasurer
Request to Fill HMEO I Position
Mr. Scholes requested permission to fill one full-time Heavy Motor Equipment Operator I (AFSCME, Grade 13) position. This position is responsible for the maintenance and operation of specialized heavy motor equipment necessary to the daily operation of the County’s Solid Waste Recycling Program. The annual salary of this position is $37,074.89 with benefits estimated at $14,822.54. This position is funded 100 percent with County dollars. Mr. Scholes stated this position is tied to their request to fill from June when the Board stated that any requests to hire from the outside needed to come back through committee for approval when they reached that point in the hiring process. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Graves, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried. Refer to Ways and Means
Household Hazardous Waste Day
Mr. Scholes stated that Household Hazardous Waste Day will be held Saturday, September 19, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the County Landfill. Pre-registration is not required but strongly recommended by contacting Recycling Coordinator Timothy Palmiter. Legislator Barnes asked if this was advertised. Mr. Scholes stated, yes, they advertise in the local newspapers, online, and it’s always included in their annual newsletter. Legislator Barnes asked what is considered to be hazardous waste. Mr. Scholes stated mercury, solvents, dangerous items, etc., adding any questions or concerns can be directed to Mr. Palmiter.
Town of Andover Bridge
Legislator Healy suggested that the Town of Andover as well as the County look into naming the Town of Andover bridge in honor of Charles H. Joyce who passed away in 2013 and for all of the contributions, he and his family have made not only to Andover but to the County as a whole. Legislator Graves stated he is happy to discuss this with the town.
There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 1:11 p.m. following a motion made by Legislator Graves, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Meghan Washer, Confidential Secretary
Allegany County Board of Legislators