
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Minutes: Allegany County Public Safety committee - April 3, 2019

April 3, 2019

Members Present: D. Healy, W. Dibble, B. Harris, S. Havey, J. Hopkins, C. Crandall (Absent: D. Decker)

Others Present: L. Ballengee, G. Barnes, A. Bigelow, T. Boyde, J. Burdick, P. Curran, D. Fanton, K. Francisco, K. Graves, G. Green, K. Hooker, C. Ivers, B. Kelley, J. Kelly, C. Knapp, S. Lanphier, J. Luckey, K. Monroe, B. Perkins, J. Ricci, B. Riehle, D. Root, T. Ross, T. Shaw, R. Starks, P. Stockin, M. Washer, R. Whitney

Media Present: C. Potter, The Spectator

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m. by Public Safety Committee Chairman Dwight "Mike" Healy. Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Legislator Havey, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried to approve the Public Safety Committee minutes for March 6, 2019.

Public Defender Barbara Kelley attended the meeting and submitted her monthly report to the committee for review.
Criminal Justice Reform
Ms. Kelley addressed the Criminal Justice Reform that was included in the recently passed State Budget, stating there has been a lot of back and forth on whether or not it’s a good thing. Ms. Kelley referenced a remark made by District Attorney Keith Slep indicating that the reform favors the defendant and not the victim, and stated that looking at it that way is false. There are two big reasons for the County to look at this in a positive way. The first reason being that the State Budget included all the money that was requested to meet the Hurrell-Herring requirements which will make it easier as we won’t need to be called out as much because people being charged with minor offenses won’t need to be arraigned right away. Ms. Kelley noted that there have been 531 total arraignments and out of them, 73 percent were misdemeanors. The second reason Ms. Kelley referred to is hoping that the Bail Reform will make their compliance easier and ultimately less expensive for the County.
Emergency Management & Fire Director Jeff Luckey attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Mr. Luckey briefly highlighted events he attended in the month of March.
Mutual Aid Plan
Mr. Luckey stated he recently met with MTS and representatives from Almond and Canaseraga to work on improving the Emergency Services Basic Life Support/Advanced Life Support Mutual Aid Plan, noting the plan will meet some resistance; however, it will be a good change. Legislator Harris asked what availability there is for Advanced Life Support (ALS) support. Mr. Luckey stated there are seven agencies that are Advanced Life Support, Critical Care, or Paramedic level. Legislator Harris asked how Mutual Aid operates when crossing county lines. Mr. Luckey stated they don’t have that situation very often, adding that this plan is looking at Mutual Aid within the County.  
Ice Rescue Class

Mr. Luckey stated the Ice Rescue class held March 2 and March 3 was very well received with 19 attendees, noting that they are currently looking into developing our own team for the County. Legislator Barnes stated that timing is very critical in these situations and asked how available our equipment and personnel are throughout the County. Mr. Luckey indicated that we have one trailer and some agencies have their own equipment. Mr. Luckey noted that he is also including a throw rope which is the simplest thing to have in these rescues.
STOP-DWI Coordinator Brian Perkins attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review.
Mock Crash Drill
Mr. Perkins stated that he recently met with Genesee Valley Central School Social Worker Brooke Bradt to discuss the upcoming mock crash drill that will be held at Genesee Valley Central School. They are looking to have Mercy Flight along with Belmont Fire Department attend, and there will also be a guest speaker in the afternoon. Mr. Perkins noted that this event could be attended by other schools as well.
Top Cop Dinner
Mr. Perkins stated the Top Cop dinner will be held Thursday, April 4, and asked that anyone planning to attend to let him know.
District Attorney Keith Slep was unable to attend the meeting but submitted his monthly report to the committee for review.
Probation Director Robert Starks attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Mr. Starks stated they had their first 16-year-old who was charged with a felony, noting that things went smoothly, and the adolescent is on home monitoring.
Weights and Measures Director Gilbert Green attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Mr. Green stated he had a good turnout at the Western New York Weights & Measures Directors and Inspectors meeting that he hosted at the Maple Tree Inn.
Petroleum Sampling Contract
Mr. Green requested a resolution extending the Petroleum Sampling contract for checking the quality of retail fuels for sale in the County. This contract is with the New York State Department of Weights and Measures for the reimbursement of time spent collecting samples. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Harris, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried. Prepare Resolution


Sheriff Rick Whitney attended the meeting and submitted his monthly reports to the committee for review. Legislator Hopkins asked what the "Below 100" training is. Sheriff Whitney stated it is training for law enforcement to reduce the number of officers who are killed in traffic accidents below 100 during the calendar year. It trains them to keep their speed down as well as wearing their vests and seatbelts.

Slow Moving Vehicle Symposium
Sheriff Whitney stated that he was invited to be a panelist at the Slow Moving Vehicle Symposium that was held on March 6 as they are impressed with the County’s committee and our work to address the problem.
Request to Create and Fill Jail Physician-Medical Director Position
Sheriff Whitney requested permission to create and fill one part-time Jail Physician-Medical Director (Section IV Salary Plan). This position is needed as it was abolished when the current County Medical Director only contracted with the Health Department and is needed to meet State Commission of Corrections regulations. The annual salary of this position is $20,000 and is not eligible for benefits. This position is funded 100 percent with County funds. Legislator Harris asked if the salary is comparable to what was paid to the previous Medical Director. Sheriff Whitney stated it is about the same. County Attorney Carissa Knapp indicated that because this position is required to be appointed by the Board, it will need to be added to the Section IV Salary Plan. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Havey, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried. Refer to Personnel to create the positon and refer to Ways and Means to fill

Request to Create and Fill Temporary Accountant Position

Undersheriff Monroe requested permission to create and fill one full-time temporary Accountant (PEF, Grade 7, Step: Base – Step 7). This position performs all accounting functions for the Sheriff’s Office and is needed to shadow and train with the current Accountant for three months. The annual salary of this position is estimated between $43,596.80 and $53,643.20 with benefits estimated between $18,637.63 and $22,932.47. This position is funded 100 percent with County funds. Legislator Hopkins asked what the Sheriff anticipates happening in the future once this position is filled. Sheriff Whitney stated once the temporary position is eliminated, he would like to see the Junior Accountant position that is currently vacant, become full-time as there is enough work to do, and it will also reduce overtime. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Dibble, seconded by Legislator Havey, and carried. Prepare Resolution and refer to Ways and Means to fill
Request to Create and Fill Temporary Corrections Sergeant Position

Sheriff Whitney requested permission to create and fill one full-time temporary Corrections Sergeant (Council 82 Local 39889 Bargaining Unit). This position is responsible for implementing and documenting all departmental training, commissary, and other administrative functions, and is needed to shadow and train for three months. The annual salary of this position is $56,211.80 with benefits estimated at $24,030.55. This position is funded 100 percent with County funds. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Harris, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried. Prepare Resolution and refer to Ways and Means to fill

Radio/Tower and 911 Enumeration Project Updates

Sheriff Whitney stated there are no updates at this time for the Radio/Tower and 911 Enumeration Projects. County Administrator Timothy Boyde stated there is a Committee of the Whole meeting scheduled for Monday, April 8, to discuss the 911 Enumeration Project. Pending the results of the meeting, it will then be set for public presentation.
Attorney/Client Session
A motion was made by Legislator Harris, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried at 2:08 p.m. to enter into an attorney/client session. Immediately following discussion at 2:31 p.m., a motion was made by Legislator Harris, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried to end the attorney/client session and return to the regular meeting.
Good of the Order
Legislator Hopkins thanked all who donated blood at the recent Blood Drive held at the Jail.
There being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 2:32 p.m. following a motion by Legislator Harris, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Meghan Washer, Confidential Secretary to the Clerk of the Board
Allegany County Board of Legislators