
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Alfred writer expresses concern with Sen. Cathy Young

Karen Patterson

As a constituent of NY Senate District 57, I’ve seen Senator Cathy Young in action many times over the years.  Her dedication towards veterans is unparalleled and commendable.  As a member of a public employees’ union, I’ve watched her vote many times to protect the interests of our hard-working labor force.  I’ve supported Senator Young for these reasons and more, despite a difference in our political party affiliation.  I’ve always felt she was moderate, fair, and truly had the best interests of all New Yorkers at heart.
It's no wonder, then, that I am keenly disappointed in her comments on the occasion of her swearing in on January 10.
No longer in the majority party in Albany, Sen. Young suddenly seems eager to use divisive rhetoric of “us vs. them", defining herself as an upstate NY champion rather than a senator for ALL New Yorkers, and excoriating the “new political landscape.”
My greatest disappointment, though, is that she calls ideas put forward by Democratic legislators as "extremist." We’ve come to expect this from our Federal representative; apparently she's taking a page from that distasteful playbook. 
Clearly upstate and downstate have some differing needs but just as clearly, we all live in this beautiful state, we all work hard, love our families and friends and want to preserve and enhance the quality of life for everyone. Those goals aren’t reached by dividing New Yorkers but by uniting us.
Please Senator Young, remember that going forward.
Karen Patterson
Alfred, NY 14802