Engineers today are expected to evaluate the 23 North building (former Burrous building) after the structure experience another partial collapse earlier this week. Contractors working inside the three story building heard the noise and quickly evacuated the building. No injuries were reported. The building is owned by Syracuse-based Two Plus Four and Alfred Housing Committee. During an interview Wednesday, village Code Enforcement Officer Jo Fenske said that the building is currently considered an "unsafe structure." Fenske said she expected engineers to be on site today to evaluate the situation. The portion of the building that failed was scheduled to be torn down. Fenske said "it's been a rough season on the building."
She added that age and the elements have taken a toll, noting "it's a concern." Alfred Housing Executive Director Allison Green said despite this weeks setback, the overall project plan "is moving along well."
The North Main Street building has been dogged with issues and public commentary. However, an aggressive plan and millions in state and federal funding have given new purpose to the Main Street fixture. The future calls for apartments to be constructed on the second and third floors. The village has committed to moving its offices to the first floor. The town has not yet decided if it will relocate its government offices.