The Rotary Club of Wellsville would like to thank everyone
in the community who contributed to our Back-To-School supplies drive. For the
past fourteen years, the Rotary Club of Wellsville has been providing school
supplies for students and their families with limited financial means in
Wellsville. We recognize the difficult times many families face in our
community and sometimes food, gas, utilities and rent are the most important
expenses each month. The Wellsville
Rotary Club is here to help.
This is a charitable event that is richly supported by this
community. Through donations, Rotary was able to supply these students with
necessary supplies to provide them with an equal and unhindered education.
These supplies went to Immaculate Conception School, and Wellsville’s
Elementary and Secondary Schools.
Some of the items donated were backpacks, computer paper,
notebooks, pens & pencils, both glue sticks and bottles, crayons, colored
markers and filler paper, along with many other items.
We would like to thank the following businesses and
residents for their generous donations, many who have done this from the very
Steuben Trust Bank, Richardson & Stout, ARVOS, Inc,
Ljungstrom Division, Hamilton Shoes, LC
Whitford Inc., Community Bank, Hutter & Finn, First Citizens Bank, Anne Walchli & Barb
Walchli, JW Embser & Sons, Roy Lucas, Lee Gridley, Eva Benedict, Summit
Technology, LaForge Disposal Service Inc., Wellsville Lions Charities,
Wellsville Elks, American Legion, Alco Federal Credit Union and to the many
individuals who donated items individually. We’d also like to thank Stephanie
Viglietta, Kelly Stout, and Donna Stout for whom Rotary couldn’t have
accomplished this year’s success.
Wellsville Rotary Club