Organization Meeting, Allegany County Board of Legislators
January 2, 2018
Well, here we are. The first official meeting of a new term,
a new Board of Legislators with several new members. I want to officially
welcome Legislators John Ricci, Bill Dibble, Gary Barnes, Steve Havey, Janice
Burdick, and Brooke Harris as the newest members of the Board. Congratulations
are in order not only to the new faces on the Board, but to all Board members.
Each of you are to be commended for the personal commitment it takes to serve
Allegany County as a County Legislator. You each presented your position to the
voters of the County and were sent here to represent them through the election
process we treasure so much here in America - well done.
With more than a third of this Board’s membership newly elected, it represents the largest turnover we have had in twelve years. Why is that significant? I think it’s significant because we are at a crossroads – no pun intended for those familiar with our development efforts – we’ll get back to those efforts in a minute. The crossroads we are at is this – does the new Board look at the accomplishments over the past couple of terms and say – Wow, look at what’s been done, we are now at a point where we can sit back and relax, coast for little bit, not stick our necks out, let’s not take any unnecessary chances. Or does the new Board step up with the optimistic attitude that there are many positive improvements yet to address, new opportunities coming along each day that can be pursued, and as history reminds us, new challenges around the corner we need to be prepared for and meet head on. You can say, “that’s silly, what kind of Board would have an attitude to just sit back and coast?” I will say it happens; probably not deliberately and in those terms, but it does, and it has. Without direction and cause, there is no forward motion. With this new Board of Legislators, I am excited. I am excited because there is no question about the path we intend to go. This group of Legislators along with our dedicated Department Heads and employees will keep the positive momentum that has been started going and mark new and greater accomplishments in our County’s history book.
With more than a third of this Board’s membership newly elected, it represents the largest turnover we have had in twelve years. Why is that significant? I think it’s significant because we are at a crossroads – no pun intended for those familiar with our development efforts – we’ll get back to those efforts in a minute. The crossroads we are at is this – does the new Board look at the accomplishments over the past couple of terms and say – Wow, look at what’s been done, we are now at a point where we can sit back and relax, coast for little bit, not stick our necks out, let’s not take any unnecessary chances. Or does the new Board step up with the optimistic attitude that there are many positive improvements yet to address, new opportunities coming along each day that can be pursued, and as history reminds us, new challenges around the corner we need to be prepared for and meet head on. You can say, “that’s silly, what kind of Board would have an attitude to just sit back and coast?” I will say it happens; probably not deliberately and in those terms, but it does, and it has. Without direction and cause, there is no forward motion. With this new Board of Legislators, I am excited. I am excited because there is no question about the path we intend to go. This group of Legislators along with our dedicated Department Heads and employees will keep the positive momentum that has been started going and mark new and greater accomplishments in our County’s history book.
Taking a looking back at 2017 has been interesting to me and
represents another noteworthy year. We started right out acting on our bridge
and culvert resolutions
(Click to read more)
* A town bridge on Moss Brook Road in the Town of Friendship
- $240,000,
* A town bridge on Deer Creek Road in the Town of Genesee -
$291,000, and
* A town bridge on Rush Creek Road in the Town of New Hudson
- $324,000, all qualifying under the bridge Cost Sharing Plan we provide to the
towns. Collectively these came in under
budget with better than $100,000 in savings.
* A Culvert Project on County Road 15A in the Town of Allen - $210,000,
* A Culvert Project on County Road 15B in the Town of Grove
- $300,000.
At first glance, you might think these are just ongoing
infrastructure projects that need to be addressed on a regular basis. What’s the big deal? You would be correct; however, a couple of
points that I find significant with these actions are:
1. First, we
paid cash for these projects, being in a financial position where we didn’t
have to borrow or bond to finance them – that has not always been the case.
2. Secondly,
our bridge program is one of the best in New York State. Not only do we have more bridges to keep up
with than most, but according to the NYSDOT, our Public Works Department has
maintained them to the third best in the state as far deficiencies.
* RESOLUTION NO. 22-17 inked an agreement between the County
of Allegany and New York Council 66, Local 2574, our AFSCME employees, expiring
December 31, 2019. Both sides worked
hard, and this agreement represents a good, balanced compromise. But more than
that, as we sit here today, it marks for the first time in many years, possibly
decades that we have agreements in place with all our collective bargaining
* We approved a lease & maintenance agreement with
Enterprise Fleet Management. With a sizeable number of vehicles in our County
fleet, the cost of acquiring and maintaining these vehicles is
significant. This action represents a
better, safer fleet for County employees.
*To help address the growing epidemic in our County, we
approved an agreement with Ardent Solutions, to assist the Heroin and Opioid
Ad-Hoc Committee in implementing recommendations that were made.
* We passed a resolution standardizing the appearance of
official County documents and vehicle markings giving us a uniform professional
* We moved forward with the renovation project of the third
floor of the County Office Building, currently being worked on, and another
example of financial planning that allowed for direct investment out of pocket,
rather than costly bonding. It’s also an example of this Board’s commitment to
ongoing space needs to maximize the service and programing to our constituents.
* Resolution No. 117-17 was an approval of a twenty-year
lease for land in the Town of Independence for an E-911 radio tower. One action
of many moving the Sheriff’s Office closer to completing the upgrade to its
E-911 System as part of a major grant we had received.
* July 20 marked our Board meeting at the Allegany County
Fairgrounds, which was called to order at 2:45 p.m. For those that were there, you will recall
that the meeting was delayed being called to order as a tornado passed near the
Town of Angelica. One for the record books for sure.
* We passed a resolution authorizing Allegany County to
pursue a round two grant application seeking another $850,000 grant under the
New York State Community Development Block Grant Program. This addresses some
of the dilapidated owner occupied manufactured homes along with septic and
water well issues serving those properties. The program will benefit the most
vulnerable populations within Allegany County such as the elderly, disabled,
veterans, and low income families, and there is no requirement that any County
dollars be committed as a condition of receiving the grant.
* We took action for the replacement of the 911 computer
aided dispatch (cad). A timely project whose $228,000 investment was covered by
funds from our 911 Surcharge Reserve and grant funding.
* We approved a lease between Grace United Church and
Allegany County Office for the Aging for use of facilities to operate the
Wellsville Luncheon Center. A great move that has expanded program options and
participation for the seniors of Wellsville.
* We transferred $300,000 from our Contingency Fund for the
installation of Spacesaver Storage products. This approach maximizes our
current records storage space and saves many times over the initial investment.
* Resolution No. 224-17 approved the adoption of our 2018
County Final Budget. This represented
the eighth consecutive year of reducing our tax rate, the largest reduction of
those eight years and possibly the largest property tax rate reduction in New
York State for the 2018 county budgets.
These represent only a handful of notable actions out of close
to 300 resolutions addressed by last year’s Board.
Beyond the accomplishments within this Chamber were
announcements and projects on the move that had been put in motion before.
* Private developers announced that they are proceeding with
a major brand hotel, conference center, and travel plaza at the area known as
the Crossroads with a public meeting and more details coming up on the 27th of
this month. This substantial investment brings jobs and is an ice breaker for
future development in that area.
* The GE Lufkin facility is now in the hands of the Allegany
County IDA and new tenants are eager to occupy and provide employment. This is
very good news in light of the disturbing announcement we heard when GE said
they were leaving.
* The Bio-Energy Development Project continues to move
forward and is in the final funding stages. This project is truly
transformative, not just to Allegany County but the entire region. This will
provide more jobs and make Allegany County the epicenter of this technology and
* The Allegany County Land Bank is now in position to
address blighted properties and help raise the housing standards of the County.
A long overdue project that couldn’t get off the ground without proper funding
and wouldn’t have gotten funded if we hadn’t been in position to pursue it.
*The Alle-Cat Windfarm by Invenergy in Centerville is moving forward and is a $570 million capital investment. We will be hearing more about the progress of this major project throughout 2018.
There is forward motion. There is positive momentum. As I said a couple of minutes ago, this group of Legislators will keep the positive momentum going, and we know that we cannot do it without the help and expertise of many others.
To our County Administrator Tim Boyde, thank you for the overall day-to-day management of County operations. As this Board meets, sets policy, and gives direction, it is no small task to have those directions clearly and professionally carried out. Thank you, Tim, for your dedication and professionalism.
Thank you to the Clerk of the Board of Legislators Brenda Rigby Riehle and her staff for attending to all the details we need as Legislators and helping us to serve our positions as efficiently and productively as possible. Thank you, Brenda, for all you do and for going beyond the call of duty on a regular basis on our behalf.
Thank you, also, to our County Attorney’s Office for the research, legal work, and advice you provide on our behalf and for the people of Allegany County. The people at the dais do an excellent job day in and day out for this Board and for our County.
I also want to recognize our dedicated Department Heads, fellow elected officials, and County employees that work so hard to meet the constant demands and challenges of County government. The personal responsibility you take in meeting these demands and challenges does not go unnoticed, and your ongoing efforts are greatly appreciated. Congratulations to our County Treasurer Terri Ross who took her oath of office with us here today. Terri has been instrumental in helping us to get our financial house in order since first being elected to the Treasurer’s position and as Deputy Budget Officer.
To each of my colleagues, I humbly say “thank you” for the honor and privilege you have given me by selecting me Chairman of the Allegany County Board of Legislators. I accept this position with utmost sincerity. My continued promise to you is that I will treat this position with the dignity it deserves and do all I can to help this Board not only meet, but exceed the responsibilities each of us is charged with as County Legislators.
*The Alle-Cat Windfarm by Invenergy in Centerville is moving forward and is a $570 million capital investment. We will be hearing more about the progress of this major project throughout 2018.
There is forward motion. There is positive momentum. As I said a couple of minutes ago, this group of Legislators will keep the positive momentum going, and we know that we cannot do it without the help and expertise of many others.
To our County Administrator Tim Boyde, thank you for the overall day-to-day management of County operations. As this Board meets, sets policy, and gives direction, it is no small task to have those directions clearly and professionally carried out. Thank you, Tim, for your dedication and professionalism.
Thank you to the Clerk of the Board of Legislators Brenda Rigby Riehle and her staff for attending to all the details we need as Legislators and helping us to serve our positions as efficiently and productively as possible. Thank you, Brenda, for all you do and for going beyond the call of duty on a regular basis on our behalf.
Thank you, also, to our County Attorney’s Office for the research, legal work, and advice you provide on our behalf and for the people of Allegany County. The people at the dais do an excellent job day in and day out for this Board and for our County.
I also want to recognize our dedicated Department Heads, fellow elected officials, and County employees that work so hard to meet the constant demands and challenges of County government. The personal responsibility you take in meeting these demands and challenges does not go unnoticed, and your ongoing efforts are greatly appreciated. Congratulations to our County Treasurer Terri Ross who took her oath of office with us here today. Terri has been instrumental in helping us to get our financial house in order since first being elected to the Treasurer’s position and as Deputy Budget Officer.
To each of my colleagues, I humbly say “thank you” for the honor and privilege you have given me by selecting me Chairman of the Allegany County Board of Legislators. I accept this position with utmost sincerity. My continued promise to you is that I will treat this position with the dignity it deserves and do all I can to help this Board not only meet, but exceed the responsibilities each of us is charged with as County Legislators.
To the Board members who have just taken office and are
sitting in these seats officially for the first time, I look forward to our
relationship as we work together for the betterment of Allegany County. Individually, you each bring to this Board a
diverse background and experience that will help us meet new challenges and
achieve new goals as we carry out our duties.
The people of Allegany County deserve a Board of Legislators that take a positive pro-active approach to meeting the needs and demands of county government, a board that lives up to its pledge and responsibilities - we are that Board.Along with the positive forward motion that’s been mentioned, one of the biggest influences we can have on our County is a positive attitude and spreading that attitude to all our friends and neighbors. Allegany County is a great place to live, work, raise our families, and have others visit. Properly marketing our attributes is just as important inside our County lines as out – probably more. Let’s raise the bar to new heights for County pride and get it up to speed with the projects and actions that we work hard for.
We are the ambassadors of our County. Let’s work with our press, let’s spread the good word, let’s help the people we represent feel the pride we feel here today.
The people of Allegany County deserve a Board of Legislators that take a positive pro-active approach to meeting the needs and demands of county government, a board that lives up to its pledge and responsibilities - we are that Board.Along with the positive forward motion that’s been mentioned, one of the biggest influences we can have on our County is a positive attitude and spreading that attitude to all our friends and neighbors. Allegany County is a great place to live, work, raise our families, and have others visit. Properly marketing our attributes is just as important inside our County lines as out – probably more. Let’s raise the bar to new heights for County pride and get it up to speed with the projects and actions that we work hard for.
We are the ambassadors of our County. Let’s work with our press, let’s spread the good word, let’s help the people we represent feel the pride we feel here today.
A positive attitude breeds success just as a negative
attitude breeds failure.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as Chairman.