
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Reader unhappy with Guest Columnist - Corrected

Opinion Letter:
I would like to respond to Lee Marcus and whomever should read this misleading Op Ed written by this person. First off, the Left is so one-sided and up in arms over President Trump's tweet they forget one large thing he said…"if you don't like it here, go back to your own country and fix the problems there...if our country is so bad."  A bit different than the lies being pushed around by the bias media. Also, comparing President Trump to Hitler is outrageous and dangerous.  "These people" throw the term racist around so freely it's scary and destructive. Why haven’t the Dems or Mr./ Ms. Lee Marcus denounced the freshman Congresswoman's numerous and blatant anti Semite comments? Why haven’t these people denounced and called these ladies racists for saying "someone did something on 9/11…" really? And crickets from the Left, it's time we call these bigots out for what they truly are-hypocrites to the worst degree, spreading lies and propaganda-omitting facts, to fit their narrative. Our president has been called a sexist, although he employs more women than any other president; a Nazi, although he's done more for Israel than any other president to my recollection; President Obama never went to Israel and was curious over Speaker Boehner, inviting Netanyahu to speak there and even though his daughter and son-in-law are Jewish. A Russian colluder even though he's done more to impede Russia than most presidents, those are facts not half-truths like the Left like's to spread it's about time we stop this attack on our country and President by conflating the words nationalist and Patriot with racist and Nazi.
Thank you, Adam Wiech
This is an opinion letter