
Monday, June 25, 2018

Opinion: Obituaries make us pause, reflect

As I advance in years, I am struck by my reaction to the obituaries that I receive. These death notices also make me reflect internally and force the question - "could I have been a better person, friend or colleague." While we all say we have plenty of friends, most of the time they are acquaintances - people we know, have a past with, but are not currently engaged in their lives. That's me, I guess. In my mind, I tell myself how many people I know; In the end, I truly know few, I've just crossed the paths of other people lives. I typically have enjoyed those moments. The recent obituaries of the past several months (Hell years) have told me - I need to reach out, engage and tell people how I feel. We all appear to live in the (social) media moment. Then I post an obituary, and we all say...
I say screw the current political, divisive climate. I say screw our 'public' perceptions. If you care about someone...if you shared a moment in another's life, and it was good...tell them. Don't wait until I post the obituary. I'm just sayin'...
Live in the moment.